hey, ich habe jeden Tag sehr starke Rückenschmerzen, also nur wenn ich länger als 1 Stunde stehe bekomme icu direkt schmerzen im unteren Rücken ich konnte nicht mal arbeiten weil ich so starke schmerzen hatt e. Das ist schon Jahre lang so, was soll ich tun? Woran liegt das?
Probably you have a tight hip diffraction He pulls your pelvis forward, you make a hollow cross and have pain in the lower back. It may be that the pain arises not only during prolonged standing, but also when you go longer distances. If you try to stretch/release, the complaints should ease.
Ok I don’t know if it’s old (not badly meant) but I would go to JEDENFALL to Ortopähten so that you’ll be smashed to the physiotherapist make sport and keep it safe.
I’m 15
sorry klan more so aos would write the jemad older
Doing sports, are overweight?
Oh, please look for the spelling
Sorry, but that’s my Portuguese tablet, there aren’t all the jacks on the keyboard
Yes, letters instead of letters would be possible, please!
Go to the gym and train your back
I’d have been to Orthopaedic with the problem. So you should make it quick.
Okay, thanks