
Ich bin normalgewichtig, jung und arbeite im Büro. Ich habe seit ungefähr 2 Monaten im unteren Rücken punktuelle Schmerzen. Die Schmerzen werden nur bei Bewegung schlimmer und sind im sitzen kaum zu spüren. Wenn ich meinen Rücken im stehen nach vorne durchstrecke merke ich diese punktuellen Schmerzen.

Auf der Schmerzskala sind die bei 3-4 von 10. Begleiten mich jetzt aber schon lange.

Der Arzt hat mich mit “Verspannung” nach Hause geschickt. Glaubt ihr da da kann was ernstes hinter stecken?

Ich hab mich mal informiert: Punktuelle Schmerzen im Rücken können Anzeichen für chronische Darmerkrankungen, Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, Knochenkrebs und drohende Bandscheibenvorfälle sein.

Ich leide die letzten Tage auch unter extremer Müdigkeit und Schwäche, wirklich extrem. Auf der Arbeit schlafe ich fast ein und mir geht es nicht gut.

Hängt das zusammen und ich sollte mich auf etwas ernstes Untersuchen lassen? Mein Arzt ist mehr Krankschreiber wie Doc.

Sorgen mache ich mir ja schon!

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1 month ago

After my experience, back pain often acts like a kind of winter sleep. The body tries to regenerate through increased sleep. You are constantly tired and powerless.

I guess your hip diffraction is shortened by the many seats. Fewer seats and stretching exercises should help you. There are special office furniture that can help you. I think it would be best if you can change the table at its height so that you can sit or stand on it alternately.

Long, static sitting tightens and shortens muscles especially in the hip diffraction and pulls the surrounding connective tissue into compassion

https://www.thermacare.de/aches/rough pain/beim-sitz

I heard about it for the first time in a YouTube video:

Lover & Bracht


1 month ago

You have been suffering from pain symptoms in the lumbar area for 2 months, which makes you create and which is not self-sufficient. Tensions usually disappear from themselves at some point, this is obviously not the case with you.

First of all, I would like to recommend that you consult a doctor when there are persistent complaints that do not sound off by yourself. Your report shows that you do not trust the skills of your attending physician. Therefore, I advise you to visit another doctor.

In the case of sitting office activity, overloading of the lower vertebral column area is considered. At least this is the closest one. This can cause problems even at a younger age, and without specific countermeasures these complaints can become worse and then actually eventually lead to, for example, ischialgias, disc incidents or damage to the facet joints. Shake the pain in your legs?

This is not a laplana, even if millions of people are affected. I would insist to the doctor to clarify this carefully. The therapeutic measures then result from the respective diagnosis.

As for your further research, you write that the complaints are motion-dependent. This initially speaks against a chronic performance disorder, which would usually initially express itself in altered stool habits (e.g. diarrhea, bloody chairs). Pancreatic cancer is usually expressed by pain in the upper part and/or in the middle to upper back, but less in the lumbar area. In addition, you would have other symptoms such as lack of appetite, unintentional weight loss, nausea, yellowishness and fatty chairs. These Symptoms you would then report priority, and not the comparatively low pain in the lower back.

Even in bone cancer, your general symptomatics would probably be much more critical, and you would probably have constant problems that would not be dependent on movement. Of course, nothing can be ruled out first, but I think in the context of the professional situation with the symptoms that one should first think of an orthopedic problem.

The acute extreme fatigue and weakness can have various causes, physical and psychological. That’s why I’d advise a doctor’s visit. The recommendation to review the iron values is still far too special at the moment. In addition to other things, the doctor will certainly also arrange a blood check that will take this and numerous other parameters into account by default.

Good luck!

1 month ago

Regular water drinking is the best back cover.

Warm water helps against pain and detoxifies strongly.

You should drink 2 – 3 liters of water every day – that applies to everyone.

Only through a lot of liquid, the discs remain impacty and elastic and nutrients are flushed into the core.

Vitamin D and magnesium are for building bones and preserving the Bone density indispensable.

1 month ago

It would certainly be a good idea to have a blood pattern with iron and vitamin D values around the strong fatigue. These are classics where there is a lack in many people, which can lead to general energylessness. Then both can be handled wonderfully with a few preparations prescribed by the doctor in the appropriate dose.

However, your back probably has nothing to do with the absolute Google horror diagnoses ;). You’re going after a far-reaching activity. There are tensions and back pain absolutely on the agenda.

On the other hand, you get wonderful with more movement and targeted exercises for loosening and strengthening abdominal and back muscles! Yes, always train the abdominal muscles.

For this purpose, a doctor could give you a prescription for a few hours of physiotherapy, where you will get exactly the exercises you can then regularly and permanently continue in your own way.

In itself, however, it would work and fit just as well if you were looking for a sport that will give you pleasure and you will regularly look after. Dance in all variants is, for example, quite great for strengthening precisely these muscle parts, an overall good posture and also for conditioning, i.e. the cardiovascular system! And it is also quite fun to move to music together with others, or :)?

1 month ago
Reply to  markusr690

To your first question: there are values that the doctor must request separately, yes. If your doctor doesn’t take you seriously, go to another.

For your second question: Yes, it is. Because you continue to pursue your profession for months and sit there a lot. How should tension be released and sustainably prevented without proper compensation?

1 month ago

Hello, Markus,

if the pain during diffraction (=feel retention) becomes stronger
could indeed come from the spinal column/disks.
Defects mean one-sided loads of the discs
as shown below.

For example: right
The protrusion in the direction of the vortex channel BS presses
the nerve bundles emerging there.

If you only have pain in this attitude
in many seats or in the morning no problem?
The aim should be to find the cause (body keeping) and
then put in place, so to avoid this attitude.

If it is indeed a spine/swirl column
You also get help with physiotherapy!
Always happy
opi venerable

1 month ago

Let’s examine your blood on iron and ferrite (=storage iron).

For the trigger of this pain, I would first look at eating if it could be.

There are substances in the food that cannot be digested. How do you feed? Renounce fast food, industrially produced food, additives. Eat as fresh as possible.

Still inflammation can also be a cause. You get this through the right diet with Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D3+K2 and magnesium.

It is also possible to effect something via amino acids.

You can’t say what you leave better.

Ask your doctor what nutritionist he can recommend.

1 month ago
Reply to  markusr690

Large blood count should be sufficient for the relevant values

1 month ago
Reply to  markusr690

A large blood count plus ferritin (speak it extra) = cash flow.

1 month ago

Always calm, just go to Ockam and then continue

1 month ago

No – Ferritin is missing!

1 month ago

The doctor, in my opinion, is perfectly right when he says it is tension. There is a lot of movement.

1 month ago

Office and punctual back pain somehow belong together. Cracking through failure and conservation

1 month ago

I don’t think you have a serious illness. But you should look for another orthopaedic who examines your back.

1 month ago

Hello recommend which massages, ask your KK for which back courses or look for exercises for the spine