Rücken verhoben kann kaum Atmen? Hexenschuss?

Guten Tag, ich habe mit meiner Freundin im Bett gelegen und wollte sie in einer ungünstigen Position zu mir ziehen. Während dessen möchte ich ein paar Sicht stechenden Schmerz etwas in der Mitte unter meinen Schulterblättern. Das Atmen tut weh, jede Bewegung tut weh, kann mich kaum bewegen. Ist das ein Hexenschuss?

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2 years ago

There is no witch shot in the region of the shoulder leaves.

Witch Shot calls severe pain in the area of lumbar spine. In most cases, not the Ischiasnerv, but individual nerve roots are affected. As I said, not with you.

Either you have a problem with the BWS (breast spine), which I do not necessarily believe or it is the back muscles that react to a “doofe” movement “doof”. I assume that this is nothing but one Tension of muscles. Unfortunate and painful, but not really bad.

Quickly help you by visiting the pharmacy “Voltaren forte” Take ointment to smear you and put a heat bottle on the affected area. That should help you pretty quickly in the normal case.

Incorrect it is not to have an appointment with a orthopedic (usually it takes several weeks before you get an appointment) and you may be prescribed a physiotherapy to strengthen the back muscle. Otherwise, look at the Internet instructions for how to do this at home. Good improvement.

2 years ago

BWS Syndrome, thoracal, thorax, chest.

You have ibuprofen against pain and anti-inflammatory. Take 800 mg.

Witch shot is said when the Ischiasnerv is involved. Pain shines in the leg. LWS down, Lumbal area. He’s got it in the cross.

Can your pediatrician take chiropractic action, sink? But I’m hoping you only have a hardened muscle that presses on the nerve. But you don’t come down there yourself, to scan and loosen the muscle with your fingertips.

2 years ago
  • Scapula Push Ups from the 4-foot stand
  • Cat cow in the 4-foot stand, each WS section individually
  • “Scorpion” for the BWS

=> and everything with breathing.

Skorpion | Guidance / execution (fitnessuebungen-zuhause.de)

Good luck.

2 years ago

You’ve probably caught a nerve. I want your girlfriend to get you from the pharmacy.

2 years ago
Reply to  GreyRS6

Some Ibu, Ibuprofen, the cheapest, 400mg you can take 2 = 800mg.

2 years ago
Reply to  GreyRS6

Tell her what happened and you probably caught a nerve. They’ll give you the right thing.