Rücken normal oder nicht?
Hallo zusammen,
hab eine frage wegen mein rücken und zwar muss ein rücken ja gerade sein aber mein rücken hat so eine komische form und in kleidung sieht das auch komisch aus.
Und ich hab auch ehrlich gesagt immer rückenschmerzen wenn ich normal gehe oder stehe oder einkauf trage.
Würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir helfen würdet.
[Bilder entfernt]
a “back” (actually here about the spine) must be straight from behind, but a few “curves” up to a certain degree are quite natural. The vertebral column is supposed to catch bumps and it can’t do that if it’s super straight, it must be able to spring. I’m not an orthopedic, but with you, the natural curvature in the lower back (Lordose) seems to be too pronounced (a hyperlorosis). So a hollow cross. This can happen, inter alia, by overweight and to weak abdominal muscles. Since the spinal column is not loaded as it is supposed to in a hollow cross, “abuse phenomena” can occur more quickly, which then lead to pain. Even without such phenomena, tensions etc. can occur and thus pain can occur.
But, as I said, I’m not a doctor, so let the orthopaedic be cleared.
I wish you all the best and that it will be clear and better.
Best regards, Ichys
Your back pains due to the physical overweight.
I would recommend you 500 calories deficit per day, which corresponds to a weight loss of 500g per week. 1.6-2.2g Proteins per kilogram body weight in food recordings would be important, 3-4x the week strength training whole body training, 80% strength training / 20% cardio, 10,000 steps a day go. Then the body recomposition switches on, and you lose fat and build muscles at the same time. In addition, your back muscle strengthens and you get a straight back. Ideally with additional promotion of a physiotherapist and a dietary replacement by a nutritionist in the sports medical field, in order not to land into a JoJo effect.
I suspect that the back pain comes from weight and each body has its own body structure
But it can be that if you don’t stand straight. I have such a similar problem, I mean that I wear my bag on the right shoulder and now have such a funny fold on the left side of my back, which is why my back looks a little wrong (if you understand what I mean) and also has back pain.
Looks like a normal hollow spine with which you dressed, always looks thicker than you actually are, but if you manage to tear it down, you get a cute waist.
The pain comes because of the overweight, I’d say.
For example, if you are a little corpussy and rather importable, don’t mean evil, and come into the Bundeswehr, you get massive back pain at the latest when jogging with weight.
Sometimes it’s also the kidneys and it feels like it’s the back.
Missing due to overweight and too little sport.