Ruckelndes Bild am TV (Laptop über HDMI)?
Bin momentan krank und arbeite daher aus dem Bett, dafür habe ich meinen Laptop mit BT Peripherie ausgestattet und per 50cm HDMI Kabel mit dem Fernseher verbunden. Nun ruckelt das Bild aber ziemlich (29Hz), was an sich kein Problem wäre, würde die Maus nicht auch hinterher hängen.
Fühlt sich in etwa wie ein schnelles Shooter game mit vsync an.
Programmiere nur, aber mit dem Trackpad irgendwas zu treffen wenn die Maus so umhergleitet ist schlimm!
Laptop hat Win10 und da nahezu nichts in den NVIDIA Einstellungen ist (MX150) gehe ich davon aus, die Grafik läuft über den Intel CPU.
I would first try the standard problem solver No. 1: Restart the laptop once while connected. Maybe some driver isn’t loaded or something. Earlier when I connected my laptop to the TV, the sound is always a second behind it until I restarted the laptop.
And you can see if any image optimizer is active on your TV. They sometimes have something that raises the 50Hz TV image to 200Hz so that it looks more fluid. But this leads to delay. See if your TV has a gaming mode, for example. You can turn it on so that all image optimizers are switched off.
In fact, both TV and integrated screen had the problem after a restart. Another restart and I’m back where I started. Unfortunately, there are no more current drivers (laptop already has some behind it).
On the TV I have already tried a lot in the settings, unfortunately without success. Also wondering why the TV is only recognized by 30Hz in Windows, do you think it is interpolated to 60? On the PS4 the image is super liquid and without delay, so it must actually be possible via HDMI to get a good picture.
I don’t have any idea what it can be.