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7 months ago

2.4G is certainly related to the antenna (2,4Ghz).

There are also 2.5Gbit LAN. That would be faster in theory. But if you don’t have servers at home, the 2.5Gbit can get you nothing at all, because in Germany there is no more than Gigabit Internet for private customers.

7 months ago

If your Gaming PC also has a 2.5 GBit/s adapter, you will be faster on the router with all data. However, this has no influence on your Internet speed, so your gaming is not “better” or “faster” in any way, as “after” the router your data maximum flow at the speed that is in your internet contract. And in the end, the gaming server also has a word about how quickly it receives or sends the data from you.

All in all: 2.5 GBit/s increase your data rate in the home network but not towards the Internet.

7 months ago

Shouldn’t think make a difference, it’s about cable and not this wireless with 2.4ghz

7 months ago

If you use a corresponding cable and your PC also has a corresponding network adapter that supports it, yes.