Rötung, Schmerzen, Juckreiz in/auserhalb der Vagina?
Diese 3 Probleme+ Schmerzen beim Wasserlassen habe ich seit 2 Wochen, so ca. 2 Tage nachdem Sex mit meinem Freund bekommen. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt und benutze ein Sensitive Shampoo für die Reinigung. Mir tut alles weh, beim laufen, liegen, usw. ist das normal? Ich fange mir an Sorgen zu machen.
I think if you’re in pain, that’s not normal. Did that start with sex?
No, 2 days after sex
I’d advise you to take a look at this at the female doctor. There are essentially three possibilities: mushroom, parasites/bacteria and allergy. I don’t think the latter is because it’s probably from sex. Mushroom is characterized above all by itching, possibly. Roasting and more flaky outflow (“grained fresh cheese”). Parasites/bacteria above all by burning, possibly green or blasty outflow. If it looks for fungal, get a drug in the pharmacy. Otherwise, the female doctor should look at your outflow under a microscope.
Sounds like fungus and no shampoo has nothing to look at the vagina
Three months ago, were you 14?
Sounds like fungus and no shampoo has nothing to look at the vagina
I’m 13
‘Question of
3 months ago
Grape size?
Hello, I am 14 years old, 1.70m tall, weighed 55.3kg and have basket size 80B is that big? I don’t know why I ask.
that was 3 months ago.
if you really are 13 let the sex