Rötung am Finger?
Hey ihr lieben,
Ich habe eine Rötung am Finger und es tut sehr weh. Es juckt auch ganz schlimm.
Das könnte ein Mückenstich sein, aber Mückenstiche tun doch nicht weh?? Was denkt ihr was das ist und was kann ich gegen den Schmerz tun?
This looks like an insect bite and there are many nerves running in the finger, it can hurt a bit. Not on it, it’s gonna be cured.
Itching sensation or Pruritus leads to a urge to scratch at the place. So it’s not even aching.
Maybe that’s a trick. Maybe some allergic to the poison? – It helps cool or an ointment with cortisone.
And don’t turn around, scratch or something…
Question in the pharmacy about an ointment. A cortisone ointment would also be good for the house apotheke.
Cool and maybe a little cortisone-containing ointment.
On the finger, mosquito bites could also hurt
So you also think this is a mosquito bite
Jepp, but this is a remote diagnosis. Could be anything. You can’t forget that on this platform.