Rottweiler gutes und schweres Kettenhalsband?

Hallo zusammen. Ich habe einen Rottweiler und bin auf der suche nach einem neuen Halsband( aktuell hat er ein Halsband mit Zugstoppkette). Ich hätte gern ein Kettenhalsband ohne würgefunktion als Accessoire für ihn und ein kettenhalsband was schwerer ist mit einer zugstopp würgefunktion fürs gassi gehen.
Könnt ihr mir da welche empfehlen? Also nur kettenhalsbänder, weil ich finde die am besten.
Und vielleicht auch noch eine passende (ketten)leine dazu. Zb so eine leine

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3 years ago

You can defocus almost any necklace and use it as a normal necklace without wort funtion. The chain is tightened to such an extent that the fingers fit under it and hooks the leash carabiner on the tension ring and a chain link.

In the long term, however, it should run out on a reasonable linen traing so that the dog can wear a more comfortable collar that does not cause hair breakage or jammes the skin. A Rottweiler also looks much cooler with a wide leather collar with rivets.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa2748

is it really about a Rottweiler? 🤔 I also like to wear collars 🐶😁

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa2748

It should not just be about the appearance, but about what is best for the dog. A wide collar distributes possible pressure on a larger surface, is more pleasant for the throat head and the cervical vertebrae. Ideal is a well-fitted, padded chest harness.

Thin ties can hurt the neck with strong pull or even by stretching on the leash. That is why I referred to the linen training, because with raw strength you cannot lead a Rottweiler.

3 years ago

Well, there are also people wearing the collars. Because they like it or because they have to wear it.

3 years ago

What do you mean?

3 years ago

There is a larger selection of chains in the construction market .

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa2748

Yes, definitely!