Rotlichtvertoß anzeige machen?

Moin 🙂

Wenn mein vordermann über rot fährt aber kein unfall verursacht & niemanden dadurch in dem moment gefährdet hat und ich das noch auf dashcam habe kann ich die person dennoch anzeigen anhand des kennzeichen ohne aber zu wissen wer gefahren ist?

Mfg & Danke

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2 years ago

Once again, the real top experts respond, just incredible.

  1. The Classification (!) Acceptance of, in particular, serious serious offences is permissible! It does not violate personality rights at the moment, that is complete nonsense!
  2. You can show SELF TREATMENTS! Whether the firefighter is, and therefore was allowed to drive over red, will be clarified afterwards, you cannot know that yourself. Since probably under 1% of all red light violations are “justified/authorized”, one does not have to assume such a case.
  3. There are already verdicts, their experts *facepalm*,Lde/Startpage/Medien/_Dashcam_-Aufnahme+koennen+zur+Verfolgung+graver+Verkehrs-Orderungswidrigkeiten+grundsaetzlich+verwertung/?LISTPAGE=1178164
  4. The argument that you can’t determine the driver anyway and an ad is meaningless is also nonsense. The first time, of course, this can be done so that the vehicle owner simply says that he didn’t drive and also doesn’t know who it was. The direct result will then be a travel book! If this isn’t run the second time, there’s a real trouble for the holder!
2 years ago

If my foreman drives over red but doesn’t cause an accident & no one has endangered at the moment and I still have on dashcam I can still display the person on the basis of the kennzeichen without knowing who has been driving?


Dashcams may not be used for “invitation” but only in the event of an accident in which one is also affected/participated as evidence.

It was decided by courts a long time ago.

See Germany/dashcam/

Everything else would be an unauthorized intervention in the privacy of the filmed person. Go to the police with the video, then getYou yourselfin doubt a fine.

Quote from the article:

In the event of inadmissible use of dashcams, the data protection supervisory authorities may impose fines.

The Bavarian State Office for Data Supervision has announced that, in the future, when knowledge of the transfer of video films recorded with a dashcam, it will examine whether, in the specific case, the release of a fine decision is indicated.

Law enforcement: Only police can film

Fines threaten even if private people want to show a misconduct of others with the police. Video recordings for prosecution are only permitted by the police, and this is only possible within narrow limits.

2 years ago

You can’t show anyone using a license plate. How do you know who drove?

Going to the police with a dashcam shot is not a good idea. The cameras are not intended for this and are not permitted.

2 years ago

First, what are you doing?

Secondly, how do you know if he does not have special rights under § 35 StVO and is allowed to drive at Red? For example, as a firefighter who was just alerted?

2 years ago

Sure, do that, good idea. Take your dashcam as evidence with 👍🏻

2 years ago

Of course, you can show a violation with the license plate. You’re a witness.

2 years ago


2 years ago

If you have nothing better to do and feel joy for it, you can do it.

2 years ago

Yeah, you can. You can also explain why you ran a dashcam because you are allowed to film only in short and in-class, otherwise you are violating the General Data Protection Regulation.

2 years ago
Reply to  paradox1899

and associative

That’s why I always do my DashCam when I go to a crossroads, because something could happen. 😎

only short

By the way, it is because only 3 minutes are recorded, this requirement has been met. (This is now serious).

2 years ago

No, the offense (§201a StGB) for the purpose of indicating an offence would not be proportionate.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

201a should hardly be affected here. You can’t even recognize the person in the vehicle. And from the most personal habitat we are far away.

2 years ago
Reply to  HfPol110
2 years ago

Ne, in individual cases it is checked whether it is permitted. Not whether there is an infringement of 201a.

The CAN not present here. The facts do not fit.

2 years ago

Case law in individual cases.

2 years ago

And what does the article now say about §201a StGB? I don’t see anything. That’s what I was about.

2 years ago

He can’t have done it with rough verses or has noticed it too late, thought comes over orange, really want to do it?

Could have been a more legitimate one who had to be involved.

You don’t have anything.

Maybe you’ll get some trouble because you filmed longer with Dash Cam.

Behind me when I went over orange, first sec. Too close to the traffic lights and behind me 100 % went over red or when I was standing as a walker at traffic lights, I’ve seen it many times since I would not finish with ads.