Rote LED Blinkt an Grafikkarte?
Hallo ich habe grade meinen PC angemacht und bemerkt das an meiner RTX 3090 Strix OC rote Lampen blinken (siehe bild) die auch nach einem Neustart anbleiben.
Ich hatte dieses Problem noch nie und habe mein Netzteil ausgeschaltet bis ich eine Antwort habe.
Vielen Dank für Antworten im voraus!
You need to connect the 2x 8-pin cable to various power supplies, not with a Y 8-pin cable.
What are y 8-pin cables?
If this means that a cable is split up, it does not
And the PC ran now 3 years without problems
You probably have at least two PCI-E power terminals at the power supply. However, the cable is currently presumably divided only by one PCI-E power connection into two, with an 8-pin Y cable, i.e. a cable that ends in two connections.
I got my PC back on and no red lamp goes on, I guess I’ll have been just a mistake. To do this, she draws her as planned 390Watt at full utilization and even more when I overclock her as it is the OC Edition.
Thank you again for your help
BeQuiet has, as far as I know, 2x12V rails. Maybe exchange the cables so that the first cables are connected to the terminals 1 and 3. Maybe the graphics card thinks it’s not enough, but with a 1200W power supply there’s enough air up there.
I guess I’ll just be a display error as long as nothing has crashed.
This is not the case I have a 1200w be even power supply with 4 single 8-pin seats from the 3 individually used for the card without any division