Ran a red light?

Hello! This is probably a stupid question, but I'm still confused.

This morning, on my bike ride to school, I accidentally rode through a red light. It was a small light with only one lane, and the two women in front of me just rode over it. So I thought the light was green. Besides, I couldn't tell whether it was red or green because of the sun. Anyway, we just crossed over, and the police stopped us and took our details. They said something about reporting us to the district and issuing a warning.

Now I'm not sure whether this is a simple warning or a fine, and I wanted to ask if any of you know anything about it? There will definitely be a letter from the district, but I didn't understand anything else.

I'm also worried that this will be written down somewhere and cause me problems later or something, and I don't know how to tell my parents. I'm really scared. Does anyone have any tips?

Best regards,


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2 years ago

As I see, you will get a fine decision in which the amount to be paid is.

A warning money would have been able to take the police themselves, in case of an ad (objective) they are only the witnesses, aggression authority is the circular city / district. He’s coming from there.

2 years ago

Just tell your parents.

It costs between 60 and 100€ and there is one point. But if you could’ve had it yourself.


2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

Is it better for you to know when the letter comes? I don’t know how old you are.

2 years ago

By bicycle over red are usually fines of 60-90€ and 1 point.

Whether it was your first time or not. There is a point and fine in red light violations always.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

You can earn points even without a driver’s license – if you do that you already have those on the account.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

1 point in Flensburg.

2 years ago

I’ll answer the fine catalogue:

Was the traffic light less than 1 second red is the 1 point, 90 euros penalty and no driving ban.

Was it traffic lights longer than 1 second red, these are 2 points, 1 month driving ban and 200 euros penalty.

In both cases, it is assumed that there is no danger to alienation. However, the measures are increasing. Take a good lawyer. Most fines are incorrect and can be leveraged legally.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

Unfortunately, there was nothing from the bike. I think it will remain in your case with a fine and possibly a point. Since you are not sufficiently prejudicial, especially in road traffic, there may even be only one warning. The problem is that the authorities and the catalogue of measures have attracted because too many people are making their traffic rules themselves. Something should happen so slowly.

2 years ago

Hello, if this happened to you for the first time, maybe get a warning and stay with you, love greeting

2 years ago
Reply to  Tarniabur

Nothing to do with the first time. Driving twice over a red light would no longer cost.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

Just a custody – otherwise you can also enquire with police

2 years ago

How do you know he’s been warned?

2 years ago

Don’t tell me. The police are obliged to prosecute and punish a red light violation. The police in charge would make this punishable by an oral warning.

2 years ago

Otherwise you can also ask the police

2 years ago

I thought the lights were green and I could not see if it was red or green

You don’t have to recognize the color. But where a light shines, you can always see. Up is red, down green. If you can’t distinguish up and down, you shouldn’t take part in the road.

How a qualified red light strike is punished, you can easily google.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kozume

And then you just drive over it…

2 years ago

“The two women” are so guilty?

Because the “two women” don’t make mistakes..

No matter – pay tuition and make your own statement next time!