Rote Ampel?
Hallo, ich habe ein Problem und mache mir die ganze zeit gedanken und kann kaum noch schlafen. Vor zwei tagen (samstag) war ich mit dem Auto unterwegs und hatte es eilig. An der Ampel war dann gelb und ich hab Gas gegeben weil ich dachte dass ich das noch locker schaffe. Letztendlich war es aber dann schon rot. Meine Freundin meinte dann, dass an der ampel eine Kamera ist und jetzt hab ich richtig angst, da ich noch in der probezeit bin.
Denkt ihr da kommt jetzt irgendwas? Ich hab richtig angst und kann kaum noch schlafen weil ich angst vor der Reaktion meiner Eltern habe wenn wirklich was kommt oder so.
Maybe for a general explanation: cameras on a traffic light are not used to record license plates or to monitor red light emissions, but only to control the traffic light phases.
When you’re flashed, you’ll notice that you’ve been taking at least two fast successive flashes and this flasher is usually behind the intersection. The procedure is as follows: the first flash captures you as soon as you get a contact and the traffic light is on red, the second flash takes place a few seconds behind to document that you really moved. For example, if you have decelerated and accidentally have passed over the holding line and have remained, you will not happen despite the triggering of the light flasher, because you can see that you have stayed.
Also in red lights there is a tolerance… but it only helps wait… learn from it… hastily in road traffic usually goes quite wrong… and the 1 minute you save there doesn’t bring you anything..
Did it flash twice? If so, you’ll get mail.
If not, then the camera was only for traffic monitoring to control the traffic light circuit.
You’re thinking about things where you don’t know if that happens. Don’t get anything and if it happens, it happens and you just have to stand for a mistake.
N Blitzer you recognize – are a pillar or green. Otherwise, cameras are not simply attached everywhere.
if the light is yellow, you can snap over at most if it changes directly from green when you are in front of it. Yellow remains ne traffic light in 50s zone 3 sec. If you’re not right in front of the traffic lights, you can’t. And icy is no reason for n red light
Or there are small flashers on the traffic lights
So you can see a lightning when it’s released. At a traffic light usually even 2x.
The cameras you mean are used only for traffic monitoring, traffic control or statistical purposes.
It only helps wait to see if a letter comes with fine or not. If you didn’t get anything about it after three months, the drop is sucked.
You would have noticed that, because it would have flashed two times when a red light went over.
You have to wait for something to come.
And again: at the light itself, only sensors are to steer the traffic flow…a flasher stands behind the light
Yellow is called HALT, clear intersection. If the traffic light gets yellow, you’ll have to stay. You get a fine with yellow and a ban on driving with red.
For yellow warning money 10…15€
In red < 1sec fine
With red > 1 sec fine + driving ban
In the case of yellow it is only necessary to stop if this is possible without danger
At Yellow you have to stop when you can brake and stand. Then you stand to stay. Others, if you risk a fine.