Rot-Braun nach der Periode?
Hi, ich habe jetzt schon öffter, immer wenn ich meine Tage hab in der Zeit danach (3-4 Tage danach) zar kein Blut mehr, aber der normale Saft ist halt braun-rötlich.
Ist das normal? Hab das halt erst seit 3 Monaten und meine Tage insgesamt 3 Jahre.
Mache in der Zeit halt auch dementsprechend viel Sb, aber des war damals nie so, dass da so viel Braun-Rot is.
Würde mich über hilfreiche antworten freuen, die nicht sind: “geh zum Frauenarzt”. 🙂
Usually the period begins and/or ends with brown outflow. The brown is still a bleeding.
Why is the blood sometimes brown/black?
Brown or dark period blood can always occur. This usually happens on the first and/or the last day of the period. Sometimes throughout.
Why? Often it is relatively little blood at the beginning, since only the uppermost layer of the cervical mucosa was degraded, there are only the small blood vessels, which leads to a small amount of blood. Now it happens that the bit of blood mixes with the previously separated mucous membrane and becomes a semi-liquid mass. (The blood is there to transport the cervical mucosa out). At the end of the period the same, the amount of blood decreases and the blood mixes with the mucous membrane residues.
This mass now flows very slowly out of the womb and into the vagina and out of there out of the body. As it flows so slowly, the blood comes into contact with air for a long time and it OXIDIERT so in short it loses liquid and becomes brown.
This sounded somewhat complicated and chemically but simply said dries the blood and when blood dries it becomes brown and dark (loss of liquid).
You can see that if you have a wound. If you have a bleeding wound and a time is waiting, a BRAUNE crust is formed from the blood. This is the same as in the period
Blood comes into contact with air and dries = dark discoloration
In the stronger course of the period, the deeper layers of the cervical mucosa also dissolve and thus larger blood vessels open which can then transport the whole more quickly and liquid out due to the amount. Therefore it is usually only at the beginning or at the end so brown or brownish and even if it remains brown throughout it is nothing bad.
Here’s a video explaining what happens during the period:
I hope I could help you
Good luck 🍀
Cool, thank you 😚
Very happy ^
Brown blood is the blood that goes to the outside. No need to worry
Geronnese, yes, blood is fat and rubbed. Then it hardly flows, but very hesitant. This then appears as a “brown lubrication”
Very welcome
Okay, thanks
everything is good
Yes sry, fear
For them probably so easier to understand 🙂
Totally normal.
Sometimes eat reddish. But is it normal?
Dried it remained in place, it rubbed and fled that very slowly
Yeah, it’s normal.
Still, you should go to the gynecologist if you’ve never been there before. This is just a matter of control once a year, as do dental or ophthalmologist appointments!