Rost am Moped schlimm?
Moin, bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem Moped und habe eigentlich schon ein passendes gefunden, nun stelle ich mir die Frage ob Rost beim Krümmer ein Problem darstellen könnte?
Danke im Vorraus
Moin, bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem Moped und habe eigentlich schon ein passendes gefunden, nun stelle ich mir die Frage ob Rost beim Krümmer ein Problem darstellen könnte?
Danke im Vorraus
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Rust at the elbow is not exactly beautiful, but it does not affect the function of the machine in any way.
There are some manufacturers (Aprilia), since you can maintain the machine as you want, the elbow simply rusts.
Not really, except that it is visually not very beautiful.
But look well at which places are rusted.
Don’t buy. Rust shows that it was left much in the rain.My moped was in the absence of a garage out there in no rust. Now you can imagine.
Get on the vehicle. If the rust is only at the elbow, it doesn’t mean anything.
At high temperatures oxidation begins much earlier. So it could have been only a few times in the rain and otherwise stood in the best garage.
I don’t think you should find any rust in your bike after a whole winter.
Interesting and beautiful for you.
Rust is not a problem in itself, as long as it is only visual. It’s a 50s and I don’t think I’m driving long.
Anyway, I couldn’t tell anyone. But with me it is so that, in the absence of a garage, I have made considerable marks on the performance and value of the machine. I’ve bought them all the time and probably won’t sell them anymore. I can do that because I have enough money to buy me a 1250 BMW, but I don’t.
But to buy, I can’t recommend a vehicle with a good conscience grate approach.
If I use the moped more to get from A to B, I also drive in the rain at these temperatures.
The problem is rather the lack of space, performance and speed, because you are constantly being overtaken by cars in a life-threatening manner.
Right! Just throttle out and the thing runs 100 😁
What’s a problem? But a bit more superficial rust is just a beautiful lack