Rosa zunge aus vagina?, an alle Gynäkologenund hobby vagina experten!?
Meine freundin hat mir eben ein bild ihrer vagina geschickt aus der eine rosane art zubge herausquillt, dies scheint zu schmerzen und sieht nicht gesund aus, ich mache mir sorgen was könnte das sein?
Man kann sich das vorstellen wie ein nasser rosa schleim stick (ca 3cm lang) der aus der vagina hängt.
Weiß jemand was das ist?
Wenn ihr es wisst habt ihr eventuell einen link zu einer informationsquelle, könnt ihr das erklären, ist es gefährlich und habt ihr einen link zu einem bilt um es zu überprüfen, gutefrage erlaubt ein bild hier nicht.
Ich brauche eure Hilfe!
Could it be that?
“razor prolaps
In the case of a vaginal prolapsing, the upper region of the vagina falls into the lower, so that the vagina is turned outwards. The upper part can partly or completely fall through the vagina and arch outside the body and cause a total vaginal prolapse. Usually there is also a cystocele or rectocele.
The total vaginal prolapse can cause pain when sitting and running. On the vaginal skin ulcers can arise which lead to bleeding and outflow. Like an incident of the uterus, the vaginal prolaps can cause problems in urination. The chair can also be difficult.” Problem-von-frauen/poolorganprolaps-pop/poolorganprolaps-pop#Formen-und-Symptome_v804339_en
In any case, this is a reason to go to the gynecologist. It’s not normal.
You mean her vulva and probably it’s just bloody outflow.
There’s no blood, just a pink, stick, from the vagina
You wrote up like slick.
Bloody outflow can be really sticky pink slime.
Maybe a cervical incident?
There shouldn’t be anything out there, let her be examined in the morning.
Yes, sounds like the mother’s mouth
That’s right, he can lie deep (during the period), but he shouldn’t look out…
That could be a cyst or something else. She’s supposed to be a female doctor.
In any case, but I just looked for cysts and that’s more like balls, but that’s really a 1cm thick, a little longer, that hangs out.
That sounds kind of weird. I’ve never heard. Maybe any tissue or a benign tumor or anything in any case isn’t normal and should be looked at.
The womb, the mother’s mouth
The gynecologist can say that after an investigation.