Röntgen zerstört Maestro Card?
Mit meiner nicht abgelaufenen, nicht leeren und im Tageslimit nicht überzogenen Sparkassen Karte kann ich auf einmal nicht mehr zahlen, genau seit dem sie durch das Röntgen am Flughafen gefahren ist…
Kann das überhaupt sein oder ist es nur ein blöder Zufall?
Stupid coincidence. The X-rays are very weak and have no effect on magnetic strips.
It may of course be that when passing through, something magnetic lay on the card, for example the magnetic closure of a pocket or the like.
Btw I can still pay online with the same bank account
There was definitely nothing magnetic on the map.
PS: My father’s company handy was dead once after the X-ray… What did not happen (was a Galaxy s3)
This is absolutely not plausible.
I saw you can’t pay abroad. I guess this is not a damage to the card itself, but a question of permission. What is that exactly for a map? Visa Debit? V-Pay? Mastercard?
Maestro… But I’ve been using it all the time abroad
It’s a coincidence. A scan at the airport doesn’t hurt the map.
Btw I can still pay online with the same bank account
PS: My father’s company handy was dead once after the X-ray… What did not happen (was a Galaxy s3)
Ask your bank.
Btw I can still pay online with the same bank account
PS: My father’s company handy was dead once after the X-ray… What did not happen (was a Galaxy s3)
Good to know, just doesn’t change anything, call the bank.
I’m sure they’re not scientists you had on the phone. This is simply not plausible that the card is damaged by such a weak X-ray.
I called, who said it must be a physical damage to the card and that probably the X-ray is actually due.