Romanschreiben – Wie viele Wörter und Kapitel sollte es geben?
Ich habe jetzt eine erste Fassung einer FF geschrieben, die ich dann auf Wattpad veröffentlichen möchte. Jedoch bin ich ziemlich unsicher bei der Länge der Geschichte. Also bis jetzt sind es 18 Kapitel mit je ungefähr 600 Wörtern, insgesamt 10’420 Wörter. Ist das zu kurz? Ich habe zwar das Gefühl, dass es beim überarbeiten eher noch etwas ausführlich wird, weil ich mich beim schreiben halt nur auf die Storyline fokussiert habe, aber was meint ihr dazu?
Schon mal vielen Dank für die Antworten 🙂
in principle is right first. There is no too short or too long to make up words or chapters. If your idea offers “only” scope for 18 chapters, it is just that. Then you did not write a novel, but a short novel, but that is also perfectly fine.
Nevertheless, I find 600 words per chapter very little. That doesn’t mean they’re bad. So little words are often an indication of an even very unripe style of writing, in which the author does not or hardly describes. Especially in the first stories, this is not a rarity.
You’re writing yourself. You’ve been very focused on the storyline when writing. So, perhaps while reworking, make sure you explain everything so that others can come along. If you are unsure, you can also publish your story or at least some of it to get feedback.
A story and a chapter need as many words as they need.
600 words for a chapter is actually a bit short, but you can also make chapters and pack them together. But for Watty it is not unusual to have quite short chapters. I also find short chapters on Watty more pleasant.
If you can describe more, calm down. The reader would also like to be able to make a picture. Don’t just write to words.
If the length really bothers you, you could write an independent B-Plot. Zb about characters in another place or a small problem you only take care of by the way.
It really doesn’t have to be any longer. If it’s good, it’s good. The length of the work says ncihts about its quality
There is no too short or too long. A good story takes the length she needs to be reasonably told.
If she’s short, then don’t try to extend her with boring bullshit.
A story is as long as history is.
You should always take care of the content. Not about any “lengths.”
With 10,000 words it is definitely not a novel, but at best a narrative. My first person had a good 80,000 words. And I still call them “narration”. Even though two volumes have been added.
I am also on Watty and would say that it is already short when it is a completed story. If not and it remains with this length (600 words ca), then you have to try to update more often 🙂
maximum 5-6 main chapters, see drama