roma pass reservierungen?

möchte mir für nächste woche den roma pass holen und dadurch kostenlos ins kolosseum gehen und forum romanum + palatin hügel

bei dem pass muss man plätze reservieren aber die seite

funktioniert überhaupt nicht. hat jemand mit dem pass und allem interesse und kann weiter helfen?


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1 year ago

The Colosseum is booked until mid-July. You should have booked early.

By the way: such passports are ripped off, no more! No local one will recommend such passports. The prices displayed as “original prices” on the pages are significantly higher than the real prices for the attractions. Also, there are many attractions that are listed on the pass pages as chargeable are in truth free. So things are pure tourist waste. And if you really want to get your money out there, you have to run from an attraction to the next without breaks and without being able to really look at the attractions. cheaper you get away when you just book in advance (best 1-2 months) directly at the attractions.