Rollladen im Ferienhaus kaputt gegangen?
Ich habe ein Problem, wir sind gerade in einem Ferienhaus und ein bekannter wollte die Rolllade hochziehen und da ist das Band gerissen und die Rollladen sind runtergefallen. Ich hatte noch nie so eine Situation und weiß nicht was man jetzt machen muss, und müssen wir dann auch für den Schaden zahlen?
Danke im voraus für die Antworten.
To inform the landlord.
Only if you were in intentional, but not in material fatigue.
inform the owner of the holiday home and, if you have to pay, the liability insurance. Take photos. Describe damage.
It may also be that things were simply old and “through” – the landlord might not be interested – broken. When I was in my apartment, the landlord was kulant.
You contact the landlord and he will have it repaired.I don’t think he can charge you this, because the roller shutter belt was safely worn.
First of all, you tell the landlord and say exactly how it was. It was broken when it was opened normally. This goes to the insurance of the landlord and the thing is done.
If you try to hide the damage and the landlord notices it after you are gone (and he will most likely notice it), you can assume that he will not be happy about it and will charge you the damage.
Ergo: if you break something, you’ll get it. Then most things turn out to be harmless.