Roller Zündkerze bekommt kein Benzin?

Moin, seit längerer Zeit läuft mein Roller nicht mehr. Zuerst war das Problem nur die Variomatik aber das habe ich jetzt geklärt. Jetzt stand der Roller ein 3/4 jahr und die Zündkerze bleibt trocken. Die Schläuche vom Tank zum vergaser hab ich überprüft die sind gut und kommt Benzin durch, den Vergaser habe ich auch gereinigt. Wie der Weg hinter dem Vergaser weiter geht hab ich keine Ahnung und ich weiß auch nicht ob der Vergaser vielleicht defekt ist. Kann mir da bitte einer helfen? danke schon mal im Vorraus MfG. Ben

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6 years ago

That would be bad, if the spark plug were gasoline.

6 years ago
Reply to  MarkR442

If the spark plug is dry, it does not get fuel, i.e. The fact that the fuel supply does not work properly so that gasifiers or pipes to the gasifier, I would simply look at whether oil in the mica chamber is due to the fact that the gasoline remains evaporated from the mixture via

6 years ago

Since the carburetor including nozzles is to be free, only the vacuum line can be located. So the gasoline cock is defective, but since it doesn’t start despite the start pilot, it’s probably due to the unexistent ignition spark.

6 years ago


Try it with brake cleaner

Take candle out brake cleaner in the combustion chamber candle and Dan times kick

6 years ago

carburetor cleaning again, best with nem ultrasound bath

6 years ago

Clean the carburetor again and properly. Also the nozzle sticks and their tiny holes.

6 years ago

Check your gasoline pump to see if it promotes gasoline during the start process.

To do this, remove the gasoline hose from the carburetor and try to start the scooter. When Sprit comes out of the line, the pump is okay.

Check your membrane block, which sits below the suction bridge.

See photo 1, I circled it red.

On the menbran block there are platelets which at some point no longer close and do not seal. Keep it against the light and try to see if the light is visible from the inside. If so, it should be renewed. See photo 2

Then check your compression and start the scooter you need at least. 6 bar and the higher the better.

If the compression pressure is lower than 6 bar you could piston or piston Cylinder damage or your crankshafts are worn out.

Control the float level in your carburetor, maybe the sprite level is too low so that no sprite can be sucked in through the nozzles.

And just because the spark plug sparks, it doesn’t have to be okay for a long time.

6 years ago
Reply to  benthesavage

I’m a two-wheeled mechanic, you can report at any time.

6 years ago
Reply to  benthesavage

Go through the other steps I had listed

2 years ago
Reply to  Justintime2005

Hello what can you do if the gasoline level in the carburetor is too low?


3 years ago

I’d like to ask you something, but I don’t know how to do it. because if I ask a question quite normal arise again any answer therefore😥

would be very friendly if I could ask you a question

6 years ago

Man buy a can start pilot and spray it into the air filter!

6 years ago
Reply to  benthesavage

If you don’t, you don’t have to look at the carburetor.