Roller wird zu heiß?

Servus Leute, beim fahren erreiche ich nicht mehrdie Geschwindigkeitd diei sonst auch schaff. Bin 20kmh langsamer als sonst. Habe mir einen sporluftfilter gekauft und den vrgaser darauf angepasst ( Hauptdüsen) . Wenn er zu heiß wird geht der Motor aus und esSpritz einmal kühlwasser raus. Brauche dringend Hilfe. Vielen dank

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6 years ago

because of the “sport air filter”. with a “sport air filter” the motor produces more power but also more heat, which is why the motor quickly becomes too hot without increased cooling and then proceeds, the motor could easily take a total damage at the overheating.

6 years ago

Which main nozzle was in there and which one was installed now?

6 years ago
Reply to  helmut6262

If the candle is black, it’s all right.

Too much fuel, too hot combustion, motor immediately broken.

6 years ago
Reply to  helmut6262

I think rebuilding would make sense first and look at what’s going on.

Otherwise, I would suspect that stuttering comes too small through a lean mixture, i.e. main nozzle with 75 too small.

That with the cooling water outlet would worry me, not that the cylinder head seal is already through. But that would show a reconstruction.

Good luck!

6 years ago

The impeller on the water pump is also really firmly connected to the shaft? I’ve already experienced that the impeller was no longer really firm on the shaft and then stopped.

A lot of air in the cooling system?

Squirting is okay? Not that he’s still running too much, but you should see that very quickly on the candle.

At the moment, I don’t think much more about it, nor am I an absolute expert on scooters 🙂

Exhaust I actually think less, but he wouldn’t let anything go and the engine would almost work against him.

6 years ago

But this is reversed, candle bright = too little sprit and burning becomes hotter. Is also referred to as “kling” or “kling” 🙂

6 years ago

You’re just ruining the engine by driving it hot.

Build the components back and with some luck you can save the engine.

6 years ago

Don’t worry.