Roller wird bergab langsamer?

Mein Speedfight 3 bremst wenn ich ihn bergab rollen lasse, als ob er auf einer Graden Strecke ausrollen würde wenn nicht sogar noch stärker. Wenn der Motor aus ist, rollt er normal. Woran kann das liegen?

zur Info: Ist mechanisch über Drosselscheibe und Auspuffdrossel gedrosselt

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5 years ago

Each piston engine brakes when no gas is given due to the friction of the pistons in the cylinder and the entire crank drive. In addition, despite the closed gas slide, some air is still sucked in, which has to be compressed.

5 years ago
Reply to  syncopcgda

PS: as if it would roll out on a degree line

By the way, you certainly don’t mean a straight line, but a flat line.

5 years ago

I’m not sure if you mean that I’m not driving them out.

But I think that means motor brake