Roller verliert Benzin (Ausführliche Frage)?
Moin zsm.
Vorne weg, ich weiss das muss evtl. n Profi anschauen, aber bevor ich zur nächsten Werkstatt renne, probiere ich es doch lieber hier.
N Kumpel und ich haben ein Projekt in der Schule, indem wir einen alten Roller kaufen und umlackieren usw.
Dieser ist auch schon äkter ist ein Suzuki AN 125 von glaub 1998 oder 1999.
Er ist manchmal auch schon zickig also lässt sich nur mit Quickstarter starten oder blockiert manchmal dass ich ne Weile warten muss bis ich ihn anmachen kann. Dies ist aber nicht das Problem.
Der Roller verliert Kraftstoff (Siehe Bilder). Er verliert in sowohl im stehen (war 2 Tage nur rumgestanden und plötzlich war ne kleine Pfütze darunter) als auch wenn man ihn bewegt.
Wir wissen genau wo es rauskommt (Aus diesem kleinen Schlauch siehe Bild). Jedoch nicht wieso. Was uns auch verwundert, dass der Schlauch sogar 2 kleine Halter hat d.H der gehört fast sicher dorthin weil an den Schläuchen hahen wir nichts geändert.
Habt ihr eine Idee wieso der Roller Kraftstoff verliert und wie man das Problem lösen könnte?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Joel H.
This is the overflow hose from the carburetor. Probably dirt is in the carburetor and blocks the float needle.
Extend carburetors, open (documentally with photos!), wash out thoroughly with petrol and put it back together.
When disassembling, pay attention to possibly defective O-rings and exchange them equally.
For lay people relatively difficult, for someone who knows a Klacks…
But stupid question: school project? There is a demand that a roller be bought and repainted?
Thank you.
So it might be. better if I ask my brother his godfather (travels himself motorcycle) so that we can watch and learn, but don’t ruin anything?
Because of your question: Is for the final class, in two groups, we need to make something, no matter what. Depending on the interests we chose the scooter. Mainly own capital.
Finally we present this in our sports hall and everyone from the village can come to look. It’s a tradition with us.
Wouldn’t be a chance if you don’t trust that, but the acquaintance… But remember: Not everyone who also has a car can simultaneously disassemble the engine 🙂
The scooter should be relatively well known, there is also a YouTube video of the disintegration, which you can do by Step…?! Just look.
I’ll push you the thumbs!
Another question about the hose (will learn something too). This is, so to speak, the fuse, if the carburetor is blocked, the fuel can take place there.
Nee, he is actually for venting the carburetor so that no vacuum is formed and the gasoline can flow further. Therefore, the hose also sits at the top of the carburetor, since there is usually no gasoline coming. If, however, your float needle sits tight and does not close properly, then unhindered petrol can run into the carburetor until it comes out of the hose at the top.
By the way, the hose is only at the carburetor so that overflowing gasoline can flow off in a controlled manner and does not ignite on hot (motor) parts…
“Water thoroughly with gasoline” so that we should not take water, I assume. Would it also go if I cleaned the two nozzles and the rest with air pressure (have such a part of home)?
Edit: “O-rings” would that be the seals?
Yes, please don’t take water.
With air pressure, no crusts or bonds are obtained if there is something in it…
The O-rings are actually the small black seals 🙂
If we have decided to try it yourself. Thank you.