Roller stirbt im Stand ab?

Mein Roller CPI Aragon GP 50 komplett original stirbt im Stand immer ab, er läuft nur wenn ich das Standgas auf etwa 3500 – 3000 Umdrehungen bringe, wenn ich ganz langsam versuche weniger einzustellen stirbt er sofort ab. Wenn ich im Stand Gas gebe, geht die Drehzahl langsam runter bis er schließlich abstirbt. Hat jemand Tipps?

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2 years ago

That’s a two-stroke guy who gets his oil for the mixture via an oil pump, right? Is it possible that no more oil is fed to the fuel and the engine burns simply to lean? What’s the candle picture? If it is very bright, then the petrol-air mixture lacks the two-stroke oil.

2 years ago

Then, in any case, oil comes in. Too much. Carburetor then set to fat.

2 years ago

It probably doesn’t get enough fuel.

He gets that only when you raise the feed (gas give).

I’d check the lines.

2 years ago
Reply to  FlyingBesen

Line from the tank to the engine.

If that’s a carburetor, it probably has to be set.

2 years ago

Replace or replace with air pressure/brake cleaner

but honestly have more to do with cars there meanwhile carburetors are very rare.