Roller Rex RS 450 warum ist die Kerze trocken?
Hallo an alle!
Ich habe ein Problem mit dem Roller Rex RS 450, die Kerze ist trocken, 4000km gefahren!
Ich habe erstmal 55km/h gefahren dann habe ich CDI gewechselt und bin 83km/h gefahren aber nicht so lange, wurde von Polizei erwischt, dann habe ich gedrosselt auf 25km/h und gefahren ein paar Tausend km. Jetzt stand der Roller 10 Jahre im Keller, habe versucht zu starten aber kam natürlich nichts. Habe neue Batterie, Kerze, Vergaser, Membrane, Sprit abgelassen und neu getankt, neue Benzinfilter, Luftfilter ist noch OK, vom Tank läuft Benzin aus dem Schlauch und trotzdem ist die KERZE TROCKEN. Was kann die Ursache sein? KERZE FUNKT
Please open the carburetor and see if gasoline is in the float chamber.
You’ve found that gasoline is running out of the gasoline hose, but that doesn’t mean it’s also running into the gasifier….
Possible reasons would be a clogged fine sieve on the carburetor, a jamming float and thus a non-opening float valve…
If the float chamber is open once, please see if the main nozzle is clean.
Thank you, I’ll try out the days
Hello Jochen OWL.
I took the carburetor through everything and with a very thin steel rope made all the gears through although everything is as new, everything is great in the float chamber, gasoline cock and gasoline filter also reinstalled. Roller does not start and the candle is dry. I made suction supports and made some gasoline in, scooter does not start but the candle was wet. I have no idea what to do. I don’t think I can lie to CDI because the starter works. Somehow, no gasoline comes into the swimming chamber.
Please check if the carburetor has a screen where the gasoline hose is connected.
But you’ve been testing that gasoline runs out when you pick up the gasoline hose on the carburetor and open the gasoline cock?
When the float hangs down and the gasoline cock is open, gasoline normally runs through the float needle valve into the float chamber, which you can easily check when the float chamber is open.
Just pouring gasoline into the intake manifold doesn’t take anything – the engine only cleanses from it….
If you want to start, then spray ETWAS into the carburetor/suction manifold with start pilot or brake cleaner.
Hello Jochem again.
Now I have the problem that the pears do not burn in front, standing light burns “small lamps” and the big lamps do not burn. I have set the cover in front and there is a plug with cables that go left and right to pears. When I take off the plug and check the plug that goes from the switches, there is power there, but when I connect the plug and check the big pears and there is no current. I checked the pears and the real OK, but I fell down and I ordered two new pears. OK, I ordered the pears but before they worked the pears, I mean I connected the pear to battery and burned it. I thought that the switch left on the steering wheel was broken, but the little pears burn.
Did you happen to have that?
I’m very happy for you.
Save your scooter the first rides and don’t chase it with cold engine – it has to get used to work after a long break;-)
I wish you a good ride and beyond all the good.
Hello JochenOWL.
I got the spare parts and built-in, new carburettors and suction supports, changed the hoses too, because they were almost broken after about 10 years in the basement. The scooter finally jumped.
Thank you for your help!
I wish you all the best!
I really like to help you and everyone else.
Of course, it is difficult from afar, because you don’t stand next to the vehicle, which would simplify the thing….
On the other hand, if you exchange, you will also find the cause of the problem…
Wait till the spare parts come and we’ll keep looking.
After the gasoline tap, no gasoline comes out, reinstalled the gasoline tap and gasoline filter, gasoline tap has three connections. This means that for me the carburetor membrane must pull the gasoline from this gasoline cock, membrane is also new. So you can watch the petrol cock on eBay under Roller Rex RS 450 petrol cock. I’ve ordered the carburetor with suction supports to come in a few days. Thank you.