Roller raucht wegen tuning cdi?

Hallo, ich habe eine Tuning cdi in meinen roller verbaut ganz normal angeschlossen ist exakt die baugleiche nur eben offen und etwas kleiner dann haben aber alle die kabel die von den oberen 4 pins weg gehen geraucht und geschmort! Habe die kupferdrähte dann mal zusammengewickelt und meine alte cdi rein dann passt wieder alles. Kann mir jemand sagen was ich falsch mache?

ich habe noch etwas raus gefunden ich weiß nicht ib es der e starter war oder einfach so passiert ist aus dem metall teil (habe ein bild hinzugefügt) hat es auch sehr stark gerauch. Roller springt immernoch nicht an habe doe kabel erneuert und die originale zündung wieder eingebaut!!

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3 years ago

What are you doing wrong? Well, it’s nix personal, but you want to do, and you don’t have a faint glimpse of matter! Do you have a schematic of the scooter electric? Do you have any of the new CDI? I’m sure you didn’t compare connections….? Sorry, then you don’t need to be surprised when it smokes, but only that doesn’t need more.

There’s a lot of people who want to do it.

If you need the appropriate current and connection plans, try again. And the old CDI should then possibly be challenged and exchanged as defective!

3 years ago
Reply to  EddiR

In principle, you’re right, but you forgot one thing: He loses his approval by rebuilding. If he gets caught it gets expensive. If he makes an accident, possibly also with personal damage, he is to be counted with prison. If you get out of jail, you’re punished. Oh, a beautiful future. And everything just to prove that I’m stupid.

3 years ago
Reply to  citkid

Right! But from experience, such information is ineffective in space. Therefore, I have abandoned it for some time to share this info. Maybe in a few days there’s a question like: “Coming in control with a tuned scooter. What’s waiting for me now?

3 years ago
Reply to  paulxvis

One more reason I’m not referring to illegal tuning!

3 years ago

The black cable must cut off, the black / white at where the black was.

Then there are differences whether it is an AC, or DC CDI and ib for 2 clocks, or 4 clocks! The right one has to be bought. Mostly AC. When the moped starts without battery, it is an AC. DIe DC needs a connected battery for a start.

Look here:

3 years ago

In any case, there is a short circuit, can also lie on the new cdi, so not on you.