Roller nimmt kein gas an?
Hey, wenn ich gas gebe fährt er 30 kmn und paar sek später zieht er so bei 40 kmh auf einmaö los auf 60 also endgeschwindigkeit, warum ist das so
Und aus meinet vario kommt ein pfeifen bei fahren oder schleifen ich weis nicht das ist so eine mischung aus beidem
Kann mir da jmd helfen?
I know:
You know that, right?
The scooter is clearly defective. Repair is not worth my experience. Because the problem does not disappear, it was so bad with me that I had to go to the workshop almost every month for about 200€, until the mechanic told me, “So, now nothing can be repaired, because now we have a problem on the engine, and a replacement engine is no longer produced for this old model.”
Save it, and try to sell the scooter, and buy a new one.
Look at the Vario, there’s something lazy.
I didn’t find anything wrong
Probably a bit worn out. It’s better to see that it’s crushing you all in the vario;).
Variomatic or weights I assume. Somebody can help you look at this and know something.
I’ve done it