Roller läuft zu schnell?
Guten Tag,
Ich habe eine Mofa Prüferscheinung und darf also 25 kmh fahren. Mein Roller läuft allerdings jetzt 36 kmh. Wenn ich angehalten werde, bleibt es bei einem Bußgeld mit Sozialstunden oder wird direkt die Führerschein Sperre in Betracht bezogen. Ich habe noch keine Vorstrafe oder sonstiges.
According to OLG Karlsruhe, you have to recognize that the vehicle is driving faster than permitted. That would be 30.0 km/h, according to GPS, on a straight track at Windstille.
Other dishes can of course also decide differently and give less tolerance.
as long as you don’t get caught, nothing is forbidden 🙂
watch and drive when police are just a little slower. in the city, for example, drive a little longer. that doesn’t interest anyone. my mofa also runs good 40 but has never said anything at checks. So just watch it!
In the event of an accident it would be problematic the operating permit is extinguished – then it becomes expensive – when it flies.
Depends on whether you’ve changed something on the scooter so that he drives faster
There’s nothing on the scooter. We bought this
Then everything fits, was with mine too, and I never had problems with police controls
It doesn’t matter if you did it yourself…
Okay thanks for the quick answer 😄