Roller läuft nach Kolbenringewechsel nicht richtig?


Ich habe heute die Kolbenringe bei meinem Roller getauscht und jz läuft der komisch er raucht viel mehr als sonst woran kann das liegen (Motor läuft jz gut) (Ist der Kymco super 8 50ccm 2t

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1 year ago

When the scooter before the change of the piston rings went better than now, then you will have done something wrong during assembly….

It would be conceivable:

Incorrect piston rings concerned, annular grooves not carefully cleaned from combustion residues, mounted incorrectly on one side trapezoidal rings (the oblique side must be upwards), not paid attention to the movable seat of both piston rings in the annular grooves (often the piston rings have a different material thickness, for example 1.25 to 1.5mm), annular thrust not checked (0.3mm), cylinder foot seal damaged, cylinder head seal damaged/untight….

What you have done or not, we cannot know.

You should not start the engine to avoid damage.

So take the cylinder again and check everything.

1 year ago

In principle, a initially strong exhaust gas development after the exchange of the piston or even only the piston rings is not unusual. The rings have to enter.

1 year ago

I would check everything thoroughly until the mistake is found