Roller Kymco Grand Dink 50S etwas schneller machen?
Ich habe mir letztens einen 50ccm Roller zugelegt, einen Kymco GD 50S. Dieser ist noch Original und fährt 50km/h. Ich würde ich gerne um 10 – 15 km/h schneller machen so das er 60 endgeschwindigkeit fährt. Bin kein Bastellfreak und auch nicht mehr der jüngste, fahre seit über 20 Jahren Auto aber würde doch gern etwas schneller unterwegs sein wollen. Ich möchte aus dem Roller keine Hayabusa machen oder für paar 100€ mir Tuning teile verbauen.
Deswegen an dieser Stelle meine Frage reicht aus wenn ich nur Drosselung im Krümmer entferne?
The Grand Dink 50 would have to have a 4T engine, which, unlike 2T engines, do not have an exhaust throttle, but usually have a variomatic stop. In Kymco, the spare parts trade usually maintains a so-called “racing sleeve” without a stop, then the watches travel about 60 real km/h instead of 45. However, the licence and the driver’s licence are in the event of control. I would like to put on 125 he, the change was greatly facilitated with the B196 regulation, and these vehicles can at least keep halfway in traffic, do not consume more fuel than 50s, make less noise, and are often (because often the same basis) just as handy as 50s. They are also often a mobile road blockade in road traffic – have completed over 100,000 km, never more!
The Kymce GD 50 is a 2T not a 4T. If you were to remove the throttling that is in the crumb, you would still be inconspicuous on the road & the car if it really was supposed to bring 60 races or?
The Kymce GD 50 is a 2T not a 4T. If you were to remove the throttling that is in the crumb, you would still be inconspicuous on the road & the car if it really was supposed to bring 60 races or?
I didn’t know. Yes, as long as you get the blind tube back on it after closing, it’s inconspicuous first.
I built the open vario sleeve and 7.5g sliding rollers. The speed has become more pleasant but it needs something to get to the 55. He does not really manage the 60km/h with moderate winds. He’s going downhill to the 70km/h.
I’ve got another 88 HD, would she get what if I built it? Exhaust is still original.
The speed has become “taken”? Like weights that each have become 1 g lighter? You can try out the larger main nozzle – with my Kymco Filly, it didn’t have much more consumption, because the engine was already well set. Normally, you just need them when you are installing more space.
If you only change the sleeve of the Variomatic, then not. If, on the other hand, the blind tube is closed, it may be necessary to put another main nozzle into the carburetor.
I have to ask a short question again if I also throttled the Hauot nozzle in the carburetor and me a sports exhaust or is it not necessary?
If you make the vario stop out (often it has 2T), then it’s more
What’s the result? The 60 km/h?
Yeah, that’s enough to risk your driver’s license.