Roller hat nach 10 Minuten Fahrt Zündaussetzer?

Moin, ich habe folgendes Problem:

Mein 2 Takt Roller läuft die ersten Minuten top. Doch dann nach 5-10 Minuten Fahrt fängt er an zu stottern, hat Zündaussetzer und nimmt kein Gas mehr an, bis er schließlich garnicht mehr vom Fleck kommt. (Bleibt aber im Stand an)

Ich habe bereits einen neuen Zündstecker, neue CDI, neue Zündspule und einen manuellen Choke verbaut.

Vergaser ist gereinigt und jetzt weiß ich nicht mehr weiter.

Ich dachte vielleicht an die Lichtmaschine oder die Zündkerze, aber würde er dann so gut die ersten Minuten rennen?

Danke im Voraus…

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1 year ago

Sounds to me that the candle scratches.

However, it can also be on the air filter. When did he get a new one? Probably never?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mulluch1

Sometimes it happens that a candle when it’s hot doesn’t spark properly anymore. It only helps change. However, she’d have to get dirty. But it can also be that the fuel supply spins. Maybe the air filter is closed. At S51 there is a mocking solution (the air filter is steel wool). Just put a few minutes in spirit and shake it out. It’s like new. I’ve seen people who’ve kicked this thing into other mopeds. comment image for 5,90€, and he keeps forever.

Why don’t you take the air filter and take a few rounds? Don’t worry, the engine won’t hurt for a few kilometers. If everything works then a new air filter is due.

Regardless of this, you should keep the order: spark plug and cable (to test you simply take some cable and don’t buy a new one), then carburetor check (adjustment), air filter.

Ignition coil and electronics only at the end, because it becomes expensive.

At the S51 there were variants with interrupt ignition and electronics ignition. The interrupters liked to break, but there were them for a spot price and they were to change with a screwdriver (right flap unscrewed from the engine block, pull wire off from the interrupter, unscrewed interrupter, screwed on new interrupters, put wire back on, drop oil on the shaft, lid back on it, together 10 minutes when you left).
The electronic variant was more expensive, but went down to the first 1000 km (guarantee) or runs (as with my moped) for 40 years. The second advantage was that the fuel consumption decreased by 0.1 liter. Know people who somehow managed to install the complete electronics ignition of the S51 in Vespa and Hercules. It just doesn’t break.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mulluch1

P.s also check for function.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mulluch1

The candle is running over the battery, at the beginning the battery may have a lot of juice and then it will be empty because it might have been a deep discharge. Or because it is no longer loaded during the ride. It can be, however. That gives the candle cold and sparkling and no longer in warm condition. I already did. So it’s worth it. A look at candle. to be battery.

1 year ago

Please get the spark plug (photo) and drive partially synthetic oil (no mineral).


1 year ago
Reply to  Mulluch1

Very much.


1 year ago

Try to change the spark plug and check again. What color does the candle have after the 10min?

1 year ago

Candle and cable changed?

I’d definitely do it.