Roller Gewichte wechseln?
meine Speedfight 2 zieht nicht mehr richtig deshalb möchte ich die Gewichte wechseln. Es ist der ori Auspuff drauf, geht auch trotzdem oder? Was für Gewichte würdet ihr empfehlen? ( leichte )
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meine Speedfight 2 zieht nicht mehr richtig deshalb möchte ich die Gewichte wechseln. Es ist der ori Auspuff drauf, geht auch trotzdem oder? Was für Gewichte würdet ihr empfehlen? ( leichte )
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First, the question arises what you mean, “does not move properly…”.
It is now a difference whether the motor no longer comes to the previous speed or whether the roller, at the same speed, drives more slowly.
Logically, a motor wears with time, the centrifugal clutch wears and eventually also the rollers.
But it’s the wrong approach if you’re “supervising” any parts now.
Do this, then you’re “round” at some point and have exchanged everything – whether worn or not….
Therefore, please start with the “standards” and keep an eye on whether something has improved.
Check and clean the carburetor and the air filter – classic or “low children” that will be forgotten.
Then look at the candle, with respect to candle image, electrode distance and wear.
It would also be necessary to check the compression and the shimmerings of the crankshaft, but that would come later, if necessary.
The next “patient” is the centrifugal force clutch, a wear part that naturally wears faster when you “play” the light with the gas because the friction linings of the clutch suffer/wear.
If all this has been checked, cleaned and exchanged if necessary, the engine will run clean, only then you can worry about the roles of the Variomatic.
If you want to swap it, then “as was” because the manufacturer of the vehicle has thoughts that are particularly suitable.
If the roller does not get worse at once without structural changes, it is not the weights.