Roller geht sofort wieder aus?

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Roller geht nach starten sofort aus im Video zu erkennen

Gestern ging er beim Fahren aus und nicht mehr wirklich an.

Heute hab ich

Vergaser gereinigt

Luftfilter gereinigt

Zündfunke überprüft

Danach geht er jetzt immer kurz an sofort wieder aus bei Gasgeben geht er sofort aus.

Läuft für 2 sek

Zündkerze wird feucht Ist schwarz

Benzin han scheint auch zu funktionieren

Mit Bremsenreiniger in der Ansaugung läuft er bis der bremsen Reiniger verbrannt ist in der Zeit nimmt er auch Gas an.

Ich vermute falsches Luft Benzin Gemisch wie Stelle ich das ein ?

An den düsen würde nichts verändert vorher hat es ja auch funktioniert.

(2 votes)

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1 year ago

You too, unfortunately, avoid telling us what scooter it is..

Many vehicles have known weaknesses and you know what vehicle it is, the diagnosis, even from a distance, would be much easier….

The fact that the roller is running with brake cleaner does not make any mistakes in the ignition system.

It is more likely that there is a problem in the fuel supply, which one cannot necessarily return to the carburetor.

Today, many vehicles no longer have a mechanical, i.e. manually operated gasoline tap, but a so-called vacuum gasoline tap.

This is actuated via a membrane via the vacuum in the suction tract.

If this membrane is defective/untight or hardened, then the gasoline valve no longer works, does not open far enough, which then inevitably leads to problems.

It can of course also be that the riser tube sieve of the gasoline cock is heavily contaminated.

The first approach to the problem solution would therefore be to first check the gasoline valve, i.e. to remove the gasoline tube on the carburetor, to hang it into a vessel, then to suck it on the vacuum tube and thereby determine whether gasoline is running without interference.


1 year ago
Reply to  JochenOWL

Well explained. .

1 year ago

Thank you for your praise.

Just when that comes from jmd., who knows himself very well, it has a special value.

Have a nice Sunday.


1 year ago

That’s sweet of you, and I believed your “good”…


1 year ago

Well, then I believe that.

1 year ago

No, how do you think so?

Even if I don’t answer everything, I read a lot and of course your answers.

These answers – especially when it comes to two-wheelers – show me that you know well and we meet again and again here and complement each other in our answers.

So don’t twitch, I mean honestly.

1 year ago

Your hymns of praise in honor, but you’re gonna tame me a little. . . 😉

1 year ago

If you cleaned everything really well, I’d look at the nozzle or idling settings. Furthermore, whether the membrane in the carburetor has one away. If there is nothing else, then the CDI unit remains.