Roller fuhr 70 und jetzt nur noch 43?

Hallo, vor ein paar Jahren fuhr mein Roller um die 70 dann stand er ein paar Jahre und jetzt fährt er nur noch um die 43-45 woran kann das liegen? Es wurde meines Wissens nichts dran verändert. Den Vergaser hab ich sauber gemacht, neuer Luftfilter, usw. Im Variokasten ist alles schwarz warscheinlich vom Keilriemen außerdem sind die Gewichte eckig. Woran kann er über die Jahre noch verschleißen ohne zu fahren? Hat jemand irgend eine Idee? Oder liegt es nur an den Gewichten und dem Keilriemen?

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2 months ago

I had this at my jetforce too. that was completely original and only dethinked. she was driving 70 and after a while she was driving only 55. change the variomatik. I had installed a naraku sport variomatic at the time and then it ran much better and 70-80 kmh again

11 months ago

Check if the exhaust gases are not too high in the exhaust/small damper. Soot is very often the cause.

11 months ago
Reply to  Alex46789

drive a short distance without exhaust (don’t let it catch, that makes a lot of noise)

11 months ago

He should be faster, but also louder. Faster is a safe sign for stuffed.

11 months ago

this is not optimal without exhaust. Minarelli should be a two-stroke engine. As a result, new gasoline-air mixture is sucked in and the burned gases are ejected.
If the burned gases cannot get out (closed exhaust) then the power drops very strongly. However, if the gases are too fast, parts of the gasoline-air mixture leave the cylinder again and the power drops.
The exhaust is actually constructed so that an optimum is achieved.
In my moped, I burned the soot residue with a soldering lamp. It got a lot better.

11 months ago

Presumably the belt drive is so old and gammely that he once overtakes

11 months ago

Unfortunately, no one knows what scooter it is….

If it’s a 50ccm scooter, then he’s running back in a legal speed range.

As far as the technical side is concerned, V-belts and Vario rollers age over the years, with standstill etc. U. is more harmful than operation….

So you’d have to replace the buildings.


8 months ago

is it 2 clocks can be that your exhaust is clogged.

Let’s test the 2 mothers down from vaccination and go outside town because it gets too loud.

11 months ago

have you changed anything before he slows down?

11 months ago
Reply to  119erhood

No he was standing for a long time

11 months ago

If the V-belt is not fixed, the power of the motor cannot be passed on to the wheel.

If you have added weight and the 70 have been created by freezing without engine optimization, there can also be a reason here.

11 months ago
Reply to  Alex46789

You’re getting older. And if you have the same stature as today with 19-21, but still 10cm, you have to have increased. It only goes through muscles. So shouldn’t be a hint of obesity.