Roller frisiert?
Was würde passieren wenn mein Roller statt 25kmh schneller läuft sagen wir mal 85kmh meine Bekannten machen das und ich fahre halt nur 25 und will eigentlich keine Strafe bekommen trotzdem habe ich das Verlangen schon ein wenig danach was waren so eure Strafen beim ersten Mal ?
On my own, I’d be betrayed by the security aspect. I’ve seen something like that in my youth.
The brakes of a 25 km/h scooter are not designed for such speeds. My Kumple, fortunately, landed in a freshly planted field. That could have been quite different.
Imagine you hurt with the frying scooter another person. No insurance pays for it. You’re building your whole life.
When you get caught, you get a driving license lock up to 21 and a bunch of social hours. In addition, the cost of the app drag process must be paid, because you must not drive a meter anymore.
I heard you don’t always get a car license lock that’s right?
Interesting, then he can take a day before the 21st. Leave the mess out and have nothing to fear. Good to know.