Roller bisschen schneller machen(E-Drossel)?

Guten tag ich habe einen rex rs460 mit einer elektrischen drossel und die elektrische drossel hat als nette eigenschaft bei genau 25kmh abbzubremsen nun würde ich aber gerne so 10 kmh schneller fahren was kann ich machen um das zu tun.

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6 years ago

More is not allowed…

Everything you do, which results in a higher speed, is illegal and costs a bunch of money when you get caught..

Since this probably doesn’t intress you, create an adjustable CDI, there’s a pot you can adjust the speed…

6 years ago
Reply to  Marci49

At 25 or 35 kmh, they don’t kill the engine yet, then it’s about high speeds, at 70 kmh or…

In principle the same as Chip Tuning in the car…

6 years ago
Reply to  Marci49

icg thought vllt to other vario weights

and what do you think this should be? More kmh won’t be.

6 years ago
Reply to  Marci49

Better deduction if you use lighter…

6 years ago

install a new choke so that the license expires and you drive without a valid driving permit, this is a crime and is sanctioned with a lot of social hours