Roller Abblendlicht und Fernlicht leuchten schwach?
Hi, wie schon gesagt leuchtet das Abblendlicht und Fernlicht bei meiner Speedfight 2 LC sehr schwach, das ding ist, das es ab und zu wieder stark leuchtet und irgendwann wieder schwach, woran könntes liegen?
weak generator voltage or Voltage Sailing, bad lighting, corroded mount, plug contacts or cables.
The bulbs leave when they are collectively both. I would put the LiMa in second place that if then the feed would come from the battery. Therefore, the contacts and the wiring remain.
I checked the facts and couldn’t find any problems
Yes the contacts I will check, by the way, I have the original light bulbs, last I have replaced the light with a new one.
If an H4 is a light source, the ground connection can be. I don’t know what the scooter uses here. But I am right to you, I could have sorted it better;)
See? Measure.
Now at dek contacts I see no dirt and no rust, only bare metal. The cables are still in order. I have to look at the contacts of the light bulbs again, because they are hard to get out.
Then let’s ask directly: Are you as far from the subject as you know how to check this? Because it can definitely not be another mistake… and if such phenomena occur there is definitely what to find… otherwise everything would work?!