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Don’t make sense for me.
The one thing I’m afraid is that they want to connect Doctor Doom somehow to Tony Stark, which I could absolutely not understand, the figure itself has so much credit behind it that I really hope you make something original.
The second Downey is a very good actor, but if you want to integrate Doom into the Marvel Universe for a long time, I would have liked someone fresher and younger.
Stark died. How to connect Doom with Stark?
A Mutiversums variant would be my first idea.
It’ll be hard.
He’s a good actor, but still seeing him in the MCU and then as Dr. Doom becomes interesting.
I wonder if they miss him a transformation a la, IronMan from a parallel universe has developed into Dr Doom after an accident, or whether they introduce him as a new character and ruler of Latveria.
What they can’t do is let him continue with this typical mask and funny spells.
It is also a problem with the villains that they are often only presented on one side and always lose. Dr Doom is sometimes only due to dipl. Immunity spared from prosecution.
Let’s see how it will.
Let’s see how it’s going to be? Just the right attitude, because it doesn’t matter much. First we have to see the new Avengers films to make an opinion.
I’m sorry, but no! Robert Downey Jr. His role in the marvel universum would actually be finished with Iron Man as a role, but what makes Marvel is just bullshit! They just want them to get more attention because Marvel has only been a flop. She Hulk and this whole shit, and I know that Kang would have been the best decision.
Yes I also wish the Kang is at least finished and RDJ is defined marketing, but I think it’s perfect for the role
And I mean there are many actors (yes also who are usually smaller roles) who have already played 2 different people in the MCU
It may be a variant of Toni Stark (perfect against IronMan) as long as it does not return as Iron Man
But Doom wears a mask because he’s disfigured so you wouldn’t even know that it’s RDJ 👍
I think he’ll play the role well, but it’s stupid. It never had to happen that way.
They bring him back to Marvelfans to hollow
Yeah cool on it
I’m happy too. But we think we felt the two. Of course, Jonathan Majors would have liked to see him as Kang, but it’s just as it is. It’ll be so cool.
I don’t care.