Rndm Tornado vape brennt im hals?


habe mir vorkurzen eine Rndm Tornado Vape geholt für 7000 Züge sie ist bereits leer und habe sie mit meinem Eigenen Liquid nachgefüllt.Anfangs ging sie Problemlos aber ein tag später, habe ich das Problem das es im Hals brennt wenn ich es Inhaliere. Meine frage ist jetzt: Liegt es an der Vape oder an mir weil habe noch einen Kater von gestern und bin einwenig heiser.

danke schonmal im Vorraus!

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1 year ago

You realize that these disposable devices may contain a maximum of 2ml of liquid?

This thing is not allowed in the entire EU and therefore illegal.

it is already empty and refilled with my own liquid

This will not be of interest to regulatory authorities if they meet you.

It’s the Vape

The combination of Vape and liquid not intended for this purpose. You cannot control the device in performance or temperature to adjust it to your own liquid and find your sweetspot. Put the thing in the electric scrap and use a smart multi-way device that you can not get problems in the public (if you have reached the statutory minimum age).

1 year ago

It’s the Vape – Of course. What the principle of one thing you don’t understand is that you come up with the idea of screwing around this illegal thing and flipping liquid again?! They are NOT designed to refill the liquid and the heating element is most likely also over there in the liquid that is dispensed with.