Ritzt Narben akzeptieren?
Hey ich wollte eich ma fragen wie man Narben akzeptieren kann. Ich weiß nicht wie ich sie akzeptieren soll. Jedesmal wenn ich auf meine Hand schaue fallen die mir auf und ich hasse es. Hat jemand Tipps wie ich sie akzeptieren und lieben lernen kann?
You don’t have to love your scars, just accept them. Scars show that you’ve been through a difficult time and haven’t given up. Every time you see them, you can be proud of yourself that you didn’t give up at that time.
I also like to whisper something but what to wear that you don’t see anymore
Accept the past and the scars. Both are part of you, make the best of it.
You don’t have to love her, that would be strange
You are now part of your past, make you aware
The scars belong to you, to your life.
Maybe it helps if you’re a little proud of you that this chapter is behind you!