Ritzen und Narben?
Ich moechte nicht auf das mentale Problem des Ritzens eingehen. Viele Betroffene scheinen sich erst mehr oder weniger tief zu ritzen, und empfinden dann ihre Narben im Nachinein als stoerend.
Frage: wenn man sich schon selbst Schmerzen zufuegen muss, warum nimmt man nicht eine Nadel und sticht zu? Auch das kann je nach Koerperregion sehr schmerzhaft sein, hinterlaesst aber keine Narben. Damit waere doch zumindest der kosmetische Aspekt geloest, oder dass die Eltern was sehen koennten.
Sorry, falls ich einen Gedankenfehler machen sollte. Lasse mich gerne aufklaeren. Danke.
Because it is not the pain that the person concerned wants/must feel.
It’s actually a skill. But if you are self-harmed by cutting, you usually want to see the blood.
With me it was that I knew about the red Rinnsal, I’m still alive. With a needle, I would have had immediate pain, but the pain was aside me or with the years in the addiction, a high pain tolerance has built up. This high pain tolerance is also the reason why a needle would not work long. At some point you need more than “just” this needle.
I started cutting with a scissors – meanwhile I am with the razor blade because neither pain nor blood trace “rich” from the scissor cut.
Thank you. Hope you need help. Why do you have to spit pain to have a feeling of life? You can see that you live in breathing.
You’re right. But you don’t see breathing. On the other hand, I see the blood and the wounds/nears. That’s the difference.
Trigger warning
The thing in razor blades is that the pain does not enter “sofort” as with a needle that is pushed into the skin.
You have no feeling of pain in the direct effect but only a few mile customers later, which makes it easy for such people.
Many want to see how bad it is because it is a cry for help.
I strongly recommend to stop it (so stupid it sounds) and to become aware of the long term, at some point you think, “Why did I really fuck it now is my poor escaped”
Look for psychological help.
Isn’t it good for parents to see this?
Is a bit as if you try to explain how to alcoholize car driving without getting caught (with the difference that the latter is a crime).
The less you see, the more dangerous it becomes for the person concerned.
I did not deal with the mental problem myself, but only with the formation of scars.
I think the scar problem is secondary.
Maybe he’ll be ashamed of it at some point. But perhaps this shame just keeps those from falling away the self-infringement again.