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9 months ago

Ring finger deaf?

What kind of handles are your crutches? From my time I remember that it was only tolerable when I got those with ergonomic handles.

The constant pressure can print lots that are important for the care and blood circulation of the hands in people who are not exactly tender-built elves.

Otherwise, the exercise that can help to stretch the crimped hand is still in my mind:

Also, you should take care of your regular vitamin B12 supply. With this, dead hands and fingers can also be involved. Then take the same Combination of B vitamins, which complements perfectly. B vitamins are needed by nerves.

And drink 2 to 3 l of water/herbal tea daily, unsweetened.

I’m glad to help you with my answer.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rika029

Ask for the ergonomic handles at the sanity house! They can just be put on – difference like day and night! That’s how you’ve been tortured for 6 weeks!


The stretching exercise would be important.

9 months ago

Hey, you,

That could really come from the crutches. If you use it a lot, it can irritate your nerves in your arm 🙈🙈🙈

Try to relax your hands more often and adjust the crutches properly.

If it doesn’t get better, talk to your doctor best.💖