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2 years ago

Meat and fish are always critical in histamine intolerance. It is not only the variety, but also the amount and especially the freshness! Small quantities always buy fresh, then beef goes.

2 years ago

Hello Mermaidsarereal👋

I myself am histamine intolerant and can tolerate beef when:

  • Fresh
  • not too sharp and heated too long
  • no spice mixtures with glutamate or hef extract were applied

In general, however, I contract poultry better, nevertheless I also eat beef, because I have to watch pigs, because of arachidonic acid, which triggers my rheumatism, therefore e.g. Bolognese always mixed beef/skin.

It also depends on how full your barrel is, i.e. your histamine level, if the mirror is too high, then the tolerance is lower than if the level is stable and you can give yourself more freedoms, in the amount of foods you take too much.

2 years ago

No, they don’t

2 years ago

Rind is always difficult because it has to “ripen”. In time histamine is formed.