Rinderbraten mit Natron zart machen?
Es gibt ja den Trick Rindfleisch mit ein klein wenig Natron und Wasser mega zart zu machen. Die meisten Asiatischen Restaurants machen das auch so.
Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: Funktioniert das auch mit ganz zähem Fleisch wie Gulasch oder Braten? Ich glaub wenn ich’s zerschneide bestimmt. Was meint ihr?
hallo kuumakoi, sry that here some add their must without really knowing what (see TomRichter and maja0403).
natron works very well. Leave 30min – no longer – and cut the meat nicely thin so that there is a lot of surface. a little soy sauce and spices after choice and after 30min you can use it to cook / fry and it is butterfly. makes each snack with its noodle boxes such as:)
here also a YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XWU8jaMor4&t=179s
I doubt that Natron has this effect. What works reliably is “Fleischzartmacher” containing enzymes from e.g. Papaya. It works with every meat.
https://haus Schlachtbedarf.de/Fleischzartmacher-1-kg/HS1013.3
I don’t. Have used it many times and works wonderfully.
it would be really nice if “community experts” who are NOT familiar with the topic GAR, also answering those who know completely exceeds you first hold back TOM RICHTER: just after the motto, if you have no idea just hold the F. instead of wanting to act smart and adding trzdm to his must only to contribute or whatever.
Yeah, it looks like meat-sweet maker that cut small to make the toughest cow murf. It works in the oven like on the stove.
Yes, my father keeps doing this for his goulash and it tastes so much better.
My goulash gets tender without soda. Simply combine the right meat with the right type of preparation is very helpful.
That doesn’t answer my question at all.
You can not make larger pieces of meat like a beef roast with soda. It only works with smaller pieces.
that is not maja0403. Why such a duMM3 answer?
That would be sad if every restaurant did. I’d never go back. You notice the difference. You do not change the fiber structure with sodium. Of course, if you buy cheap meat, you have no chance to get to tender meat.
natron works very well to make tough meat tender. makes every restaurant so
Soft meat has a certain consistency. Softly get is no problem, but the consistency does not fit, because the fiber structure is still different. When chewing it can feel uncomfortable.
You don’t solve the problem either.
And now read the question more closely. “…if I cut it…”