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Yeah, you smell.
Who smokes in bottles (or in towels) has discovery fear,
because he a) is not old enough or b) the parents otherwise run amok.
You smell the hair, the skin, the breath, also the clothes. So not just the room.
Yeah, you’d have to sit in the bottle and then wash your clothes, clean showers, teeth, parfume you. And fine noses would still smell that your breath smells like smoke. You can’t wash your lungs.
Yeah, you and your room still smell smoke. Go outside to smoke.
my parents lock me up
What do you mean?
A gram of tobacco smoke has a volume of 22l.
You can’t collect the smoke in a bottle. Physically impossible.
Yes, you will also notice it on your clothes and your mouth odor.
Better leave it.
Smokers stink. You smell yourself. Your body and your clothes would make the smoke. As a non-smoking one smells every smoker. It comes from the skin, whether your room smells or where you are.
Yeah, you do. Because the bottle has no vacuum, your lung volume certainly exceeds the bottle contents (even if the bottle has a vacuum).
I can’t.
But you can pust in balloons and throw them in the window. Only the question remains: Where do you leave all the time the glowing tip, which smokes in front of itself.
Speaking of window: Why don’t you smoke on the open window?