Richtiges Motoröl? Honda Jazz
Mein Honda Jazz braucht neues Öl. Waren bei der Tankstelle und haben uns welches geholt. Haben dort auch den Mechaniker gefragt welches ich brauche. Er meinte auf Grund das der Wagen etwa 7 Jahre alt ist 10W-40. der Wagen ist übrigens ein Benziner. Habe auch alle Hefte für das Auto durch. Da stand nur als Empfehlung Original-Honda-Öl oder Vergleichbares. Kann ich das das nehmen was der von der Tanke gesagt hat?
10 w – 40 is quite enough yet I would recommend you to look into your service booklet and look at the customer service already carried out what was used for an oil if there is nothing on the paper oil note in the engine room? Otherwise, you can take the 10w-40 if you want a better quality oil you can also take the 5W – 30 which is more expensive otherwise in a workshop enquiry;)
as I wrote the 10w40, 5w40 and 5w30 nix to do with quality. The viscous liquid is thus described by motor oil at warm and cold temperatures. 5w30 oils are thinner than 5w40 oils at warm temperatures.
However, since a 5w-40 oil has a limit pump temperature of -30° C. and a 10W-40 oil is at -25° C. and both have the same viscosity at high temperatures, the 5W-40 oil covers a larger range and in my eyes is then qualitatively better in addition a zb 5W-30 oil is a longlife oil;)
Changing interval: 5W-30 = lonlife oils mean 30,000 km or 2 years or flexible interval display 10W-40= “normal” oil means 15,000 km or 1 year or interval display
I don’t have a note in the engine room. In the service booklet are stamps, but there is only a mileage. At least I found nothing else in it.
That’s something. All 15,000KM or no later than 1 year the motor oil must be changed. I used to work in a contract workshop for Japanese vehicles. So I know.
japaner stop:D
With my car, I would get a motor damage with 5w30 oil after a short time. Subaru has only been long-life-capable since 2008 (and only for diesel engines). In the case of a petrol, there is a danger of a piston eater. In my 1999 car, I have to use 15w40 oil.
Right. However, the motor must also be long-lifeable. However, this vehicle is not the case. I also have to advise on new vehicles from an interval of 30,000KM. The oil filter is also 2 years in the vehicle. It also fills with 5w30 oil.
10W40 Clear! 5w40 goes too. Should not be cheap or noname brand. the 10w40 says only a little about the viscous conduction of the oil. But not about the slimming capacity. Oils from Castrol or Fox go to most vehicles. Honda as well.
Check in the operating instructions, there is exactly what oil you need with what specification.
I don’t understand why it’s so hard to read in operating instructions…?
LG Bernd
I usually call on questions about engine oil and gear oil. They have a lot of experience and also an extra software and can see exactly what oil your car model needs. You can ask for free and do not have to buy.
the multi-range oil is of course the most expensive and the tank deserves most. theSAE 20 W 30 HD doess too! And the age of the engine has nothing to do with it! If, however, the oil pump becomes weak then even a single-range oil SAE 30 HD is better!
20 is OK. But W30 would be engine murder. It’s too thin with a warm engine.
Hope you haven’t tipped in 20W-50 or some lawnmower oil…
In the model and year of manufacture I recommend this oil here:
It’s about specifications (usually ACEA) It is also about creating the oil change intervals with these specifications, which are usually between 20000 and 30000Km (even higher). The 10W-40 was not a good choice and should be completely out (oil change with filter, filter as original as possible or by man).
Do you have the slightest glow of oil?
5W30 is the worst dirt you can give to a motor. This stuff has only one purpose. The car manufacturers want to reduce the exhaust gas values in cold engine. This is more important than the life of the engine.
So you don’t have to let the 10W-40 out. Anyway, not because of his 10W-40 property.
I don’t know why you feel an expensive ash-poor oil. This is completely superfluous in the engine, but it costs more and may have worse parameters (because additives have to be saved).
…… …….
I don’t know what to write about. The one (SirMortimer) recommends oil for ship diesel, the other (ArchEnema) tells what about TEUER????? WAS please €34 for 5L 5W-30 TEUER?????????? The 5€ shipping or what?
Don’t you think Liqui-Moly/Meguin himself best know how long her oil lasts? They have HC oils that hold 20000-30000km – in the right motor.
Nothing else I guess. But there won’t be much in there if a Magnatec 10W-40 is enough.
I’m glad you noticed. Because C1…C4 relate to the exhaust gas aftertreatment system (particle filter etc.). Asharm, low-SAPS, does that ring? The Honda Jazz doesn’t have this, and therefore does not need any ACEA C classification at all. Your 2nd golf, by the way. Out of money.
For information: 20000Km, Longlife and a partially synthetic 10W-40 are not available. More than 15TKM cannot be guaranteed with 10W-40. For this, it would have to be a fully synthetic 10W-40, as Mercedes fills it in his vehicles, e.g. .
And again: Nothing for bad, but the oil you now feel has not even a C3 classification. Even my RP in the 91’s Golf2 I give the 5W-40 (C3) of Castrol. And I also make every 10TKM/1 year an oil change because it is now a partially synthetic oil and will never get to a fully synthetic oil.
I can only advise the questioner here: Note classifications of the user manual.
Didn’t know that such a Honda Jazz from 2007 provides a long life interval. 20000km or 12 months, then change, it says.
Teuer is relative. For the same money, you get better suitable oils. The low-SAPS property does not need the engine, so you can unnecessarily throw money out or do not have performance (seek out).
But you would also leave the completely sufficient, brand new 10W-40 oil again…
The EDGE 5W-30 has a lowered HTHS value (2.9) and a low base number (6). Don’t let it go. That’s why you take low-SAPS oil only if you have to.
The EDGE 0W-40 is better (HTHS 3.5 and base number 11, in cold state flowable and hot more stable). But it costs 5 EUR more.
Or Magnatec 10W-40, with HTHS of >= 3.5 and base number 8, at significantly lower price.
I would take this here (I honestly say, even in another car):
Now you know why “teuer”.
One more, just one goes per text:
For the questioner/-in: The 10W-40 is partially synthetic in most cases and has a change interval of 15000Km or 1 year. The 5W-30 (full-synthetic), which I recommended, should pack the longlife intervals (as I mentioned earlier) that this car has (always a 2007 he and no 1965 he built)…
I’m sending a few links to Wikipedia…:
You have a longlife service interval – if not the oil goes. otherwise necessarily fill in according to manufacturer specifications! mfg
Okay, don’t think so. Thank you.
For a 7 year old honda jazz, the interval is 15,000KM. With the Japanese, it’s done earlier. Longlife oil can even provide more wear if the oils are too thin.
10W-40 says only a little about viscosity. It is not possible to derive from this whether the oil is suitable for the engine. Note manufacturer’s requirements!
According to the Liqui-Moly oil router, you can turn into a Honda jazz pretty much any car oil there is to buy. 😉
However, I would tend to 5W40 (faster oiling at cold start).
The faster oil pressure build-up during cold start by 5W40 ggü. 10W40 is an old legend that takes away any basis.
Thin oil is dirt.
5W is only in the cold state “din oil”, at operating temperature it is just as “thick” (40 viscosity). I don’t think about longlife oil with 30s viscosity.
A 5W oil at -20°C in winter is certainly not too liquid.
Different engine concepts basically represent individual requirements for engine oil. When selecting the engine oil, you should therefore always adhere to the manufacturer’s requirements – also for securing the warranty claims. The user manual should find more detailed information. Maybe our detailed background information on motor oil will help you further =>