Richtige Plz aber falsche stad?
Habe etwas bei AliExpress bestellt und später erst gesehen das ich die falsche stad ausgesucht mein Paket ist gestern bei Hermes angekommen wird das Paket bei mir ankommen oder nicht weil ja die stad falsch ist die plz ist aber richtig und Straße, Name
Don’t you get an email to let the package redirect to the neighbor before? Apply yourself with correct data.
The tendency should be paid more attention to the PLZ than to the city, but without guarantee.
The probability that it goes back as inaccessible is very high. The post doesn’t find me here when a lathe is in the house number and the rest is true.
It has nothing to do with – the DURFEN do not at all. Could be a scam and then ne and address is not in agreement and the mail must be stuck
How should the post know what’s right, city or PLZ? Probably it goes back.
they see what road they should know, or
If you do not have an extraordinary street name, there is your road in almost all cities and villages. They won’t deal with a detective for you.