Richtige / Passende Kondomgröße finden? Erstes Mal.?


Meine Freundin und ich würden beide gerne unser erstes Mal haben. Ich habe mich schlau gemacht welche Kondomgröße ich brauche aber irgendwie sagt jeder was anderes. Manche sagen ich brauche eine Größe von 53mm und andere sagen 57mm.

Mein Penis hat einen Umfang von 12cm. Kann mir jemand der damit schon Erfahrungen gesammelt hat helfen. Es ist unser erstes Mal und das soll auch schön sein und keine Komplikationen geben.

Vielen Dank

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2 years ago

12 cm fits size 53, size 57 is clearly too big

before the first time in peace try a condom so that you can practice overrolling and also see how good it fits

2 years ago

The nominal width, i.e. the penis circumference, is not the length.

According to ISO 4074, the condom size is given in nominal width: and this is half of the size:

nominal width = circumference / 2

At 144mm penis circumference are the 72mm:

72 = 144 / 2

As an approximate guideline: the condom should have a somewhat smaller nominal width than half the penis circumference: A condom size of 60mm is for a penis circumference of somewhat more than 12cm.

The condom should have a slightly smaller nominal width than half the penis circumference in the fully erected state at the widest point.

It is thus ensured that the condom is not stretched strongly, but is nevertheless held by sufficient clamping force.

The condom should be tight, but not too tight and easy to roll.

If the condom is too large, friction is created. And friction increases the likelihood of a crack.

Different condom manufacturers have different recommendations (or size tables) that even change over time.

Many manufacturers offer size sets (1 pack with different sizes): ideal for testing.

MySize means you should try different sizes:

You can even playfully gain experience with different sizes: narrow condom – less sensations – delay your orgasm. Or: More condom – more intense sensation – faster coming!

and this should also be beautiful and not give complications.

Before practice with different sizes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mayahuel

the nominal width is half the circumference, that is correct. But if condoms sit properly and do not slide, they should be 10 to 15% tighter. In his case, size 60 is much too large. 0.9*0.5*120=54 and 0.85*0.5*120=51
Size 53 is therefore in the optimal range

2 years ago
Reply to  MichaelH77

Size 60 too large.

That was an example and not for the specific case.

of slightly more than 12cm.

for more than 12cm.

in this table is 12.1cm in 57 and 60:

And other tables have other recommendations. That’s why I don’t give a size recommendation.

2 years ago


In 90% of cases, the standard size (57 is too large) fits – just try.

12 cm is relatively small, so the normal size would have to go


2 years ago

I just practiced with condoms before.. just try

2 years ago

Almost every manufacturer has a mass tape which can be printed online and thus it can determine suitable size

2 years ago

Just take the normal believe me that goes

2 years ago

Just buy the normal durex and test the