Richtige Bewerbungsart?
Hi, ich habe mich bei einem Waldkindergarten beworben. Als Art habe ich Bundesfreiwilligendienst angegeben und im Nachhinein habe ich gemerkt, dass die falsche Art ist. Deswegen die Frage für welche Art man sich dort für ein Jahr bewirbt. FSJ oder FÖJ oder sonst was
If you’re planning on doing this, please ask what’s up. FÖJ is, for example, a volunteer ecologic year. So I guess that’s what’s going on.
The only difference I can see between Federal Volunteer Service and FSJ is that, the former is also open to people over 27 years old. It doesn’t mean your application is wrong.
More likely FSJ (voluntary social year) would be the right thing – but if you apply there, you can ask. I do not know what programme the forest kindergarten is connected and whether the participants in this programme are included.
Okay, thanks. If I already have a commitment, what necessary documents do I have to fill out with the participant? Because I just have an oral undertaking, I still need a written one. How’s it going?
Because we both have no plan
Neither do I.
I got my answer to the FÖJ myself and researched it. Before I knew the significant difference between the one or the other. ….
Okay, thanks anyway
Either internship or FSJ – in the last case they must be FSJ partners. This cannot and must not be any social enterprise.